Panchajanya Introduction
Song Name : Jai Jai
Ram Hare Jai Jai Krishna Hare
The Story of
Inspired by our Guru Shivananda Bharati
ध्यानमूलं गुरुर्मूर्तिः
पूजामूलं गुरुर्पदम् ।
मोक्षमूलं गुरूर्कृपा ॥
Guided by Shree Krishna
The one whose act was Selfless whose life was Selfless, Every single grain he had was for others. Kept nothing for himself. Just gave away everything and became nothing. Such a Great Soul, a Mahayogi was Shree Krishna.
He is Satya, He is Dharma, He is Prema.
वसुदेव-सुतं देवं कंस-चाणूर-मर्दनम् |
देवकी-परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम् ||
Directed by V A K
Vishwamitra Maharishi who gave the Principle of Smile. Smile from within is possible when the Soul (Self) is active.
Agastya Maharishi the one who drank the whole ocean in a Single sip. He gave the principle of Divine understanding which means perceiving everything in and around through the eyes of Self.
Kanva Rishi who is Love personified. He gave the principle of Love to this world. It is the One cosmic Principle on which this whole creation is based.
Panchajanya is here to inculcate the life teachings through different modes of expression by varied sparks of divinity. To teach people humanity and being human. Many times God has taken births as humans and given us valuable life teachings for us to PRACTICE. Like Rama came and showed us how to live a life of Dharma and when not followed how Dharma takes charge of us. Krishna taught us Truth and Love.
So many things we need to inculcate which we have lost in the process of being Superior. We have come very far from our roots. So, it's time for us to get back to our roots.
Let us do it together. Satyayuga is going to usher in.
Hunger is human. To feed A hungry
being is DIVINE. To feel for the suffering is Human and doing your bit is DIVINE.
DIVINITY and humanity should get blended as milk and honey, as they can never
be separated once they are ONE That is
manifested state. That is the state, a
condition required for SATYA YUGA to manifest it happens gradually as
illumination happens with sunrise darkness disappears both are in the same space.
संस्कृत - Our Roots
Reasons To Learn संस्कृत
संस्कृत is one of the
most ancient languages of the world, in which a vast treasure of knowledge
pertaining to both materialism and spirituality has been written by the wisest
of the sages, and knowledgeable scholars. Nowadays, संस्कृत is studied by
very few people, but there are many others who are willing to learn and there
are still others who need to know the importance of संस्कृत.
· A remarkable feature of संस्कृत is that it is a beautiful language which is pleasing to hear, and fun to speak. Moreover, it reverberates with positive you just cannot miss. It is rightly said- भाषासु मुख्या मधुरा दिव्य गीर्वाणभारती|(Among all languages, संस्कृत is the foremost and divine)
· वेद-s, one of the oldest literatures that are the very reflection of the परमात्मा are composed by the seers (ऋषि) in संस्कृत. The वेद-s are also called as "श्रुति" because they were supposed to be handed down from generation to generation by listening and memorizing. वेद-s contain a vast ocean of knowledge most of which is yet to be understood and interpreted correctly. Learning संस्कृत will enable you to take the plunge in the Vedic literature.
· As वेद-s became complicated for the layman to understand, the ancient sages came up with what's called as "स्मृति". स्मृति-s are the treatises containing rules, regulations and values that are to be followed by humans in order to have a disciplined and a pious lifestyle. मनुस्मृति is a popular example of a स्मृति. Although a lot of people believe that it's outdated, there's still a treasure of values in the स्मृति-s that are worth abiding by. And if you know संस्कृत, you'll get the firsthand information about it all without getting drifted away by false translations and interpretations.
· Spiritual treatises like the उपनिषद्-s, the ब्रह्मसूत्र-s, the भगवद्गीता and countless others are in संस्कृत and need to be read without the help of translations. Why? Because the words used by the great sages are so pure and complete in themselves, that it's not necessary to understand them with the help of translation. Just as their meanings are important, so are the words chosen by the sages.
· The tales of our beloved gods and their incarnations are given in रामायण, महाभारत and पुराण-s. How long will you rely on the mythological serials for the knowledge about the divine sports (लीला)? It's about time you learn संस्कृत and read these engaging stories yourselves.
· Another important thing about संस्कृत is its vast classical literature, which is greatly cherished by many. Epic-poems, dramas, novels etc. not only entertain the mind, but also have values and morals that are worthy to be imbibed by the reader.
· In addition to all this, संस्कृत language is a treasure of various sciences like medicine, chemistry, warfare, economy, astrology etc. By studying संस्कृत, you'll have easy access to understanding all these.
· Learning संस्कृत alphabets and words, develop pronunciation skills by engaging most parts of your mouth for their pronunciation. They are also said to have a healing power on the mind and provide cognitive benefits. Chanting mantras just the way they are (flawlessly) is one of the ways to bring positivity in life.
· संस्कृत grammar, which is baselessly feared by many is actually a great feast for your intellect. Due to its impeccable grammar, संस्कृत is believed to be a great language for coding.
· संस्कृत is a very rich language having a vast vocabulary and innumerable homonyms. Moreover, each word has a vibration of its own, which is beneficial to our body and mind.
· With growing materialism and mental health issues, learning संस्कृत and getting in touch with our culture and spirituality will reduce the negative impact the outer world has on us and will make our mind stronger. संस्कृत represents culture and it's our responsibility to revive it and make it a popular language of communication once again, so everyone reaps the benefits of our wonderful heritage! After all- संस्कृतिः संस्कृताश्रिता| (Culture is dependent on Sanskrit)
श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु
Thank you
Radhae Radhae